The story must be told as to how the Clem Family acquired and then named Steve. Shannon is always looking on the Craigslist farm postings for random animals, hay, straw, and whatever else he may think is interesting. Anyway, he found two pygmy goats on Craigslist and we became the proud owners of the little guys.
Once the goats were home the naming process began and for some reason I thought it would be funny to name them after my dad and uncle. I called my dad (Steve) and he did not seem to mind and when I called to ask my uncle if it was ok my Aunt Karena answered the phone. I explained what was going on and Aunt Karena laughed a little bit then handed the phone over to Uncle Jimmy.
After Uncle Jimmy heard the story about the pygmy goat brothers he was on board with the name choices. He handed the phone back to Aunt Karena and in between laughs she said to me, "I thought you said you were naming goats, not jackasses!" Maybe I found that so funny since it was my dad and uncle we were naming the goats after, but to this day I still laugh when I think about what Aunt Karena said.
Once the goats were home the naming process began and for some reason I thought it would be funny to name them after my dad and uncle. I called my dad (Steve) and he did not seem to mind and when I called to ask my uncle if it was ok my Aunt Karena answered the phone. I explained what was going on and Aunt Karena laughed a little bit then handed the phone over to Uncle Jimmy.
After Uncle Jimmy heard the story about the pygmy goat brothers he was on board with the name choices. He handed the phone back to Aunt Karena and in between laughs she said to me, "I thought you said you were naming goats, not jackasses!" Maybe I found that so funny since it was my dad and uncle we were naming the goats after, but to this day I still laugh when I think about what Aunt Karena said.