I spoke with my co-workers, shared information about the classes I am teaching, and told them my bucket list item was to travel to New Zealand, but was it? I mean, I loved traveling when I was younger and before I had kids, and I want to travel more once my kids are a bit older, but does that mean wanting to visit New Zealand is on my bucket list. I do not think so.
I am certain that I do not have a bucket list. There are things that I would like to do, and there are places I would like to go, but if these things did not happen I would not feel like part of my life had not been fulfilled. I would not feel like I had not lived my best life.
My bucket is full.
My life is good. It may not be full of exciting vacations, exhilarating experiences, or the next best things, but I am totally content with my life. Of course it is fun to dream about all of these things, but these are not dreams I have often. My thoughts are filled with plans of a relaxing day at home with my family, watching movies with them on the couch, campfires and s’mores, riding bikes on the trail, hearing stories from my son after he ‘explores’, and so many other simple things. These simple moments fill me in ways that all the things that cost money cannot.
I read an opinion piece in The New York Times that spoke of how we have ruined childhood, and while the article was interesting, it was one of the comments that really connected with me. The commenter spoke of just being ‘good enough; something that I feel so many people are afraid of being...’good enough’. She mentions that maybe a 1,500 square foot house is ‘good enough’, maybe having a job that is not at the top is ‘good enough’ because you get home to your family at a reasonable hour, and realizing that money and power are not the best goals to have. And, I will add that being at home rather than taking a vacation is often ‘good enough’. Life should be sprinkled with excitement, travel, and surprises, but most of life should be home enjoying the simple things. It should be a bit mundane, if you will.
I know that I am making a judgement here, but if your life is always about planning your next trip, dreaming of a bigger house, or whatever the next big thing may be...you are not content. There is something to say about being content, appreciating the life that is simple, and not have a bucket list to complete. If we can learn to appreciate life at its most boring moments, to feel joy In our daily lives, the sprinkles of excitement will not be the things that make our life full. Instead, our buckets will start full and the sprinkles will help them to overflow.
My bucket is full.