I decided to make a play dough that requires cooking since it supposedly lasts longer, we shall see.
Here is what you need: 1 cup flour, 1/4 cup salt, 1 tablespoon cream of tartar, sugar free Jell-o, 1 cup water, & 2 tablespoons cooking oil.
I used a big stainless pot and had two batches going at once, as soon as one was mixed up, RJ would stir it on the stove. Lily would then mix up the next batch and by the time she was done stirring, RJ's batch was finished.
So, here is what you do. Mix all of the ingredients in your pot and then place over medium/low heat; stir constantly. Once the dough is clumping together it is ready to remove from the heat. Place the play dough on your table and kneed it until it is smooth, this was nice because it was so warm :).
I ran out of Jell-o and since we wanted the rainbow of colors (more me than the kids, hello OCD) I used a package of plain gelatin and food coloring. Above you can see how bright our colors are and the dough is perfectly squishy. When the kids were playing it seemed that it did not ball up into little pieces as much as store bought play dough does, plus we were able to keep the colors from mixing!
This was fun for all three of us, the kids liked mixing and measuring and afterwards I got almost an entire hour of quiet.