Let me say that this works quite well for RJ, Lily on the other hand just does not care as much. When she has to clip down for the first time she could not care less, and RJ is basically in tears when this happens. So, over the past weekend we put this in place and Lily ended up on the yellow while RJ only made it to green. I have been allowing them to clip back up if they do a good job with their behavior, but I figure we will phase this out after a couple of weeks and only clip down. My friend also suggested that I give RJ some reward at the end of the day if he stayed on purple. She said that her little girl was approaching the whole thing in a similar way to Lily and seeing her brother get a little something at the end of the day did the trick. I will try that today.
Anyway, we were finally able to write letters to Santa last night and leave them at the door for the elves to pick up. Just as we were getting ready to go upstairs Shannon looked over and said, "RJ, the letters are gone!! Did you see the elves come in and take them?" RJ of course was amazed that the letters were gone and told Lily when he got into their room.
Shannon opened up his laptop once the kids were not with us and there were the letters. I did not even see him pick them up! Sneaky elf!
Below are photos of Lily and RJ's letters to Santa, they made me laugh as well as the chart we are using for behavior.